Sanctuary of San Damiano

Via San Damiano, 7
06081 ASSISI (PG)

Tel. Convento e Santuario 075.812273
Fax 075.8197349
Tel. Noviziato 075.816468


Opening Hours

Church opening hours

  • Morning: 6.15-12.00
  • Afternoon: 14.00-19.45 (winter time: 14.00-17.45)

The church is reserved for silent and personal  prayer during these times, except when there are community liturgical celebrations

Celebration Times


  • Morning Prayer: 7.00
  • Mass: 7.30
  • Vespers and Adoration: 19.00 (winter time: 17.00)

Sunday and Feasts

  • Morning Prayer: 7.00
  • Mass: 7.30 and 9.30
  • Vespers and Adoration: 19.00 (winter time: 17.00)

Sanctuary opening hours

  • Morning: from 10.00 to 12.00
  • Afternoon: from 14.00 to 18.00 (winter time: 16.30)

Useful downloads for getting around Assisi

        Assisi Town Service     Assisi Town Map     Car Parks     2017 Hospitality Guide    Taxi

                   We would point out that San Damiano has no bus service to it. Pilgrims can come by bus to the Porta Nuova car park and continue on foot. The Sanctuary is about 10 minutes walk from the car park.

To book a visit use the section on the site provided for this.

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