Those brothers to whom the Lord has given the grace of working should do their work with faithfulness and devotion so that, avoiding idleness, the enemy of the soul, they may not extinguish the spirit of holy prayer and devotion, to which all other temporal things must be subservient…..
The friars shall not acquire anything as their own, be it a house, a place or any other thing. Instead as pilgrims and strangers in this world, serving the Lord with humility and poverty, they may confidently seek alms. Nor should they be ashamed because the Lord made himself poor for us in this world.

                                                              St. Francis of Assisi, The Approved Rule  V-VII (FF 88, 90)

The friars of San Damiano live by the grace of their work and the alms of friends and benefactors: in this way experiencing God’s Providence.
If anyone wishes to contribute a donation to the upkeep of the sanctuary and the service the friars offer to pilgrims, they may do so by bank transfer or postal order:

Banca: Unicredit - Agenzia S.M. Angeli
IBAN: IT 28 V 02008 38276 000029485503
Intestazione: Provincia Serafica dei Frati minori

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